
Friday, November 8, 2013


Inspired by November being NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) I decided to do my own Nano-Painto. Now I'm focusing more on the nano part as my goal is instead of writing a novel in a month is just to sit down and do some painting everyday. Even if it is just five minutes.

 I've found that it takes me about a hour and half to paint a typical 15mm figure but at least half of that time is taken up waiting for ink washes or glazes to dry. I usually don't use that time productively and just get distracted looking at the Internet or what not. So instead if I just do a little bit of painting and then walk away I can at least make some progress.

My first Nano-painto finished. He's actually a transformed Fungi guy that I sculpted a long time ago.

Actually I like him a lot better now that I painted him up. The details in the ripped clothes painted up pretty nicely. 

I never found a good name for them though, Fungoid just doesn't sound right to me but I haven't been able to think of anything better.

I have my last fungus goliath sculpt on the painting table as well. Hopefully to join these guys sometime soon.  

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